Goal: To achieve a provincial seat belt wearing rate of 98% by 2015
The Alberta Occupant Restraint Program (AORP) originated in
1995 as a child passenger restraint program aimed at
improving the safety of children in vehicles across Alberta.
In 1999, the program expanded its mandate to the correct use
of seat belts by adults as well. By improving the use of
occupant restraints, AORP aims to reduce the injuries,
trauma and deaths resulting from motor vehicle crashes.
Since 1999, AORP has coordinated a number of initiatives to
get Albertans to use all types of occupant restraints
correctly for every ride with great results. The strengths
of the program include diverse partnerships, coordination,
education, public awareness, enforcement and evaluation.
Regular evaluation has ensured that the program remains on
target with both provincial and national traffic safety
goals and objectives.
- Alberta Centre for Injury Control & Research (ACICR)
- Alberta Health & Wellness
- Alberta Health Services
- Alberta Transportation
- Alberta Solicitor General: Sheriffs
- Calgary Police Service
- Edmonton Police Service
- Insurance Bureau of Canada
- Municipal Police Services
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
- St. John Ambulance
- Alberta Health and Wellness
- Alberta Transportation
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- ACICR for Administrative support
Email: [email protected]
Alberta Occupant Restraint Program
c/o Royal Canadian Mounted Police
"K" Division
HQ Traffic Services
11140 - 109 Street N.W.
Edmonton, AB
T5G 2T4